Guys..!! Here's a very quick way to learn about monotonic functions, their properties, to find the maxima, minima and their properties etc.
Monotonic function :
A function f(x ) is said to be monotonic on an interval (a,b) if it is either increasing or decreasing (a,b)
Definition 1: A function f(x) is said to be increasing
(decreasing) at a point
containing, if there is an interval
such that f(x)
is increasing (decreasing) On

Definition 2: A
function f(x) is said to be increasing (decreasing ) on [a,b] if it is increasing
(decreasing) on (a,b) and it is also increasing (decreasing ) on [a,b] and its
is also increasing (decreasing ) at x =a and x=b .
Necessary and
sufficient condition Montonicity of functions:
Necessary condition
: Let f(x) be a differentiable function
defined on (a,b) then
according as
f(x) is increasing or decreasing on (a,b)

If f(x) is an increasing function on (a,b) then tangent at
every point on curve y =f(x) makes an acute angle in the +ve direction of

Similarly for decreasing
function on (a,b) then the
tangent at every point on the curve
y =f(x) makes obtuse angle
with direction
of x –axis.

Sufficient condition
Let f be a differentiable real function defined on open
interval (a,b)
a) If
, then f is increasing on (a,b)

b) If
,then f is
decreasing on (a,b)

Properties of
Monotonic functions :
i) If f(x) is strictly increasing function on an interval
[a,b] then
exists and also
a strictly increasing function

ii) If f(x) is strictly increasing function on an interval
[a,b] such that it is continuous
is continuous
on [f(a) ,f(b)]

iii) If f(x) is continuous on [a,b] such that f’(c)
then f(x) is
monotonically (strictly increasing
function on [a,b])

Maxima and Minima
Maxima : Let f(x) be
function with domain
then f(x) is
said to attain the maximum value at a
. A is called the point
of maximum f(a) is known as Maximum value of f(x).

Minimum :
Let f(x) be a function
with Domain
. Then f(x) is
said to attain the minimum value at a point
. The point a is called
the point minimum f(a) is known as Minimum value of f(x).

Maxima :
A function f(x) is said to attain a local maximum at x=a if
a neighborhood
of a such that

In such a case f(a) is called the local maximum value of f(x) at x =a
Local maximum value of f(x) at x =0
Local minima : A
function f(x) is said to attain a local minimum at x =a if
a neighbor hood
of a such that
then f(a) is
called local minima of f(x) at x =a.

The points at which a
function attains either the local maximum values or local minimum values are known as extreme points and both local
maximum and minimum values are called
the extreme values of f(x) At the extreme points of f(x) .
Note :-
By a local maximum or (Minimum) values of a
function at a point x =a mean the greatest or (the least) value in the nbd of
point x =a and not the absolute minimum . In fact a function may have any
number of points of local maximum or ( local minimum)
A necessary condition for f(a) to be an extreme value of function is
in case it

Points of inflection:
A point of inflection is a point at which a curve is
changing concave upwards to concave downwards (or) vice –versa
A curve y
= F(x) has one of its points
changes sign as x is increases through x =C.

arc y =f(x) is called concave downward if , at each
of the
points the arc lies below the
f”(x) <0 for concave downward curve
f”(x)>0 for concave upwards curve
of maxima and minima
I) If f(x) is continuous function in its domain ,the at least one maxima and
one minima must lies. Between two equal
values of x.
II)Maxima and Minima Occur alternatively, between two maxima there is one minimum and vice-versa
III) If 
or b f’(x) =0
for any one value of x between a and b then f(c) is necessarily the minimum and
the least value 
or b then f(c) is necessarily the maximum.

and minimum values of f(x) in closed interval
Let y = f(x) be function defined on

2) Put f’(x) =0 and find values of x let
be values of x

Take the maximum and minimum out of the values
F( a) ,

Therefore, the maximum and minimum values are absolute maximum or
minimum values of the function.
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