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Friday, April 15, 2016

Mistake 4

Arriving Late For a Paper:

Most of us are punctual, especially for important occasions. However, some of us may have a habit of being late. Even if you are a punctual person, there may be times when things just suddenly crop up and you end up late for an appointment.
Late comers are the norm rather than the exception for many major examinations. Just ask any examiner. If you are the unfortunate latecomer, you may sometimes be barred from sitting for that particular paper. Even if you do get to sit for the paper, much precious time would have been lost. On top of that, your mind would still be reeling from the rush. You would not be calm enough to attempt the paper before you.
What can you do to avoid being late for a paper? Be there early! Give yourself enough time to travel to the venue of the test or exam. Spare yourself at least half an hour at the venue. Use this time to familiarize yourself with the place and setting, so that you know what to expect when the paper starts.

For example, if you could know in advance that the air-conditioning is very strong, then you would be mentally prepared for the cold. If you have brought along a sweater, you could then wear it and be able to sit through the paper comfortably.

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