Monatomic gas: Using the law of equiportition of energy the average energy of molecule at temperature.

Total internal energy of a gas is 

Cv [Monatomic gas] = 

For an ideal gas.
CP - CV = R
CP = J/2 R
Ratio of specific heats

Diatomic gases: Total
internal energy [law of equiportition of energy].

Polyatomic gases: We can write the total internal energy


Cp = (4 + f) R.
Where f = no. of vibrational modes 

Specific heat capacity of solids
1. Consider a solid of “N” atoms, each are
vibrating about its mean position.
2. Average energy = 2 x ½ KBT [one -
3. Average in three dimension = 3KBT
4. u = n x 3KBT x NA At solids DY
is negligible
= DU.

Specific heat capacity of heater:
u = n x 3KBT x NA = 3nRT
n = Number of atoms in molecules
c =
= 3nR

Example: The
average KE and the rms velocity of the molecule in a sample of oxygen gas at 300k are 6.21 x 10⁻²¹ and 484m/s respectively. If the temperature is
doubled find the value new KE and rms speed.
a) KE = 12.42 x 10⁻²²rms = 685 m/s
b) KE = 11.42 x 10⁻²²rms = 686.5 m/s
c) KE = 11.42 x 10⁻²³rms = 684.4 m/s
d) None of these
Answer d)
rms, speed

On doubling temperature KE = 2E and rms speed = √2c.
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